Objavljeni radovi:
Batas Bjelic, I. and N. Rajakovic, Simulation-based optimization of sustainable national energy
systems. Energy, vol. 91: pp. 1087-1098, 2015. IF: 4.844 (ISSN: 0360-5442) ( doi: 10.1016/j .energy.2015.09.006)
I. Batas Bjelic and R. M. Ciric, Optimal distributed generation planning at a local level - A review of Serbian renewable energy development, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 39, pp. 79-86, 2014. IF= 5.901 (ISSN: 1364-0321) (doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.088)
I. Batas Bjelić, N. Rajaković, В. Ćosić, and N. Duić, Increasing wind power penetration into the existing Serbian energy system, Energy, vol. 57, pp. 30-37,2013. IF=4.159 (ISSN: 0360-5442)
(doi: http://dx.doi.Org/10.1016/j.energy.2013.03.043)
Batas-Bjelic, I., Rajakovic, N., Cosic, B., & Duic, N, A realistic EU vision of a lignite-based energy system in transition: Case study of Serbia, Thermal Science, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 371-382, 2015. IF: 1.222 (ISSN: 0354-9836)
(doi: 10.2298/tsci140613118b)
I. R. Batas Bjelić, I. A. Škokljev, T. Pukšec, G. Krajačić, and N. Duić, Integrating the flexibility of the average Serbian consumer as a virtual storage option into the planning of energy systems, Thermal Science, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 743-754, 2014. IF: 1.222 (ISSN: 0354-9836)(doi: 10.2298/tscil403743b)
N. Rajaković and I. Batas Bjelić, The impact of Serbian national energy efficiency action plan (NEEAP) on EU2020 goals, in INDEL, Banja Luka, 2012, pp. 268-270. (ISBN: 978-99955-46-14-4)
B. Ćosić, T. Maršić, G. Krajačić, N. Markovska, I. Batas Bjelić, D.-I. Gota, Z. Hasović, N. Rajaković, and N. Duić, The Effect of Regionally Integrated Energy Systems on C02 Emissions Reduction and Wind Integration: the Case of South East Europe, in 6th International conference on sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Maribor, 2013, pp. 161-169. (ISBN: 978-961-248-379-1)
Nikola Rajaković, Zoran Stević, and Ilija Batas Bjelić, "The needfor electricity storage and variable renewable energy sources in Serbia,’’ in Third International Conference on electrical power renewable sources, Belgrade, 2015, pp. 15-21. (ISBN: 978-86-81505-78-6)
Batas Bjelić, N. Rajaković, В. Ćosić, and N. Duić, "Optimal wind power generation in existing Serbian power system", in SDEWES, Ohrid, 2012, p. 90. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
B. Ćosić, G. Krajačić, N. Markovska, N. Duić, and I. Batas Bjelić, "Regional Approach for a 100 % Renewable Energy Systems : The Case of South East Europe," in SDEWES, Ohrid, 2012, p. 182. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
Batas Bjelic, N. Rajakovic, R. Elsland, and W. Eichhammer, "Improvements of Serbian-NEEAP based on analysis of residential electricity demand until 2030," in IEWT, Vienna, 2013, p . 1.
Batas Bjelić, N. Rajaković, В. Ćosić, and N. Duić, "Feasibility of Serbian energy policy in reaching EU2020 goals," in SDEWES, Dubrovnik, 2013, p. 435. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
Batas Bjelic, I. Skokljev, T. Pukšec, G. Krajačić, and N. Duic, "Integrating consumer flexibility as virtual storage option in energy system planning," in SDEWES, Dubrovnik, 2013, p. 596. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
S. M. Protic and I. Batas Bjelic, "Rural electrification, legalislation and its impact on minorities: case study Serbia" in 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, 2014, pp. 275-276. (ISBN: 978-3-85125-310-8)
Ilija Batas Bjelić, Nikola Rajaković, Goran Krajačić, and N. Duić, " Valuing the moderation options in Serbia for higher wind penetrations," in SDEWES, Venice-Istanbul, 2014, p. 129. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
В. Bjelic and N. Rajakovic, "Total Costs Minimization by Using Synergy Effect Among EU 2020 Goals," in Proceedings of the 1st South East Europe Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, 2014, p. 167. (ISSN: 1847-7186)
I. Batas Bjelic, N. Rajaković, G. Krajačić, and N. Duić, "Decreasing the flexibility gap:transformation towards smart energy system in Serbia," in SDEWES, Dubrovnik, 2015.
Ilija Batas Bjelic and Nikola Rajaković, "The contribution of plug in electric vehicles and renewable energy sources achieving the national energy efficiency goals," presented at the ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, 2015. p. 14.
E. Hakala and I. Batas Bjelic, "Sustainable energy production in Serbia — leapfrogging or lagging behind?," in CBEES, Stockholm, 2014.
Batas-Bjelic and I. Skokljev, "Deregulated Serbian electricity market optimal dispatch with congestion constraints,’’ SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 325-331, 2011. (ISSN: 1451-4869)
(doi: 10.2298/sjeel 103325b)
N. Rajakovic and I. Batas Bjelić, "Optimalno kombinovano sagorevanje biomase i komunalnog otpada u postojećim termoelektranama u Srbiji" Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, vol. 14, no. 1, str. 13-18,2012. (ISSN: 0354-8651)
B. Ćosić, G. Krajačić, N. Markovska, I. Batas Bjelić, N. Rajaković, and N. Duić, "100% Renewable Energy Solutions for Regions: the Case of South East Europe" Energija, ekologija, ekonomija, vol. 15, no. 3-4, pp. 227-235, 2013. (ISSN: 0354-8651)
N.Rajaković, and I. B. Bjelić, "Optimalno planiranje razvoja nacionalnog energetskog sistema pomoću računarskih simulacija" Energija, ekologija, ekonomija, vol. 17, no. 1-2, pp. 59-63, 2015. (ISSN: 0354-8651)
N. Rajaković and I. Batas Bjelić, "Smanjenje emisija C02 u sektoru zgradarstva Republike Srbije," Savremeno graditeljstvo, str. 1-6, 2012. (ISSN: 1986-5759)
I. Batas Bjelic and N. Rajakovic, "An overview of Serbian energy Strategy development path 2015 with comparison of German and U.S. renewable energy policies" in Second regional conference industrial energy and environmental protection, Zlatibor, 2010. (COBISS.SR-ID: 178577164)
N. Rajaković and I. Batas Bjelić, "Optimalan nivo učešća obnovljivih izvora energij u finalnoj potrošnji energije u Srbiji," in Prva konferencija о obnovljivim izvorima električne energije (OEEE), Beograd, 2011.
N. Rajaković, I. Babić, and I. Batas Bjelić, "Uslovljenost razvoja distribuirane proizvodnje energije u Srbiji cenom električne energije," CIGRE, Zlatibor, 2013. (ISBN: 978-86-82317-67-8)
I. Batas Bjelić, D. Šošić, and N. Rajaković, "Gubici energije u distributivnoj mreži u zavisnosti od rasporeda krovnih fotonaponskih panela," Druga konferencija о obnovljivim izvorima električne energije (ОIЕЕ), Beograd, 2013. (ISBN: 978-86-81505-68-7)
V. Šiljkut, N. Rajaković, M. Dilparić, and I. Batas Bjelić, "Determination of specific space cooling capacity by demand side management program modeling Conference on Electricity Distribution of Serbia, Vmjacka Banja, 2014. (ISBN: 978-86-83171-18-7)