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Novi pristupi u rešavanju opimizacionog problema rimske dominacije na grafovima
Doktorand:Ivanović, Marija
Fakultet: Matematički fakultet
Napomena: Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
Datum postavljanja na uvid javnosti: 17-06-2022
Datum odbrane: 30-09-2022
Objavljeni radovi:
[1] 1. Marija Ivanović, „A mixed integer linear programming formulation for roman domination problem“, Publications de l’ Mathematique, 99(113), 51-58, 2016. (М24) 2. Marija Ivanović, „A mixed integer linear programming formulation for restrained roman domination problem“, Theory of Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science, 5(2, :110-115, 2015. (М24) 3. Marija Ivanović „Improved integer linear programming formulation for weak roman domination problem“, Soft Computing, 22, 6568-6593, 2018. (М22) 4. Marija Ivanović, Dragan Urošević, “A new linear-time algorithm for computing the weak roman domination number of a block graph”, Balkan Conference on Operational Research Proceedings, page 25, FON 2018. 5. Marija Ivanović, Dragan Urošević, „Variable neighborhood search approach for solving roman and weak roman domination problems on graphs“ , Computing & Informatics, 38(1), 57-84, 2019. (М23)