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Biproizvodi u monoidalnim kategorijama
Doktorand:Zekić, Mladen
Fakultet: Matematički fakultet
Napomena: Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
Datum postavljanja na uvid javnosti: 24-11-2021
Datum odbrane: 08-03-2022
Objavljeni radovi:
[1] 1. S. Dautovic, M. Zekic, Intuitionistic unprovability, Matematicki Vesnik, 71, 1-2 (2019), 180-189. 2. Dj. Baralic, P-L. Curien, M. Milicevic, J. Obradovic, Z. Petric, M. Zekic and R.T. Zivaljevic, Proofs and surfaces, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (2020), 1-42. 1 3. Z. Petric, M. Zekic, Coherence for closed categories with biproducts, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225 (2021), 1-17. 4. S. Dautovic, M. Zekic, Fuzzy logic and enriched categories, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 18 (2021),1-11 5. M. Zekic, Biproducts in monoidal categories, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique 110 (124) (2021), 1-9.