Vidović, Zoran
Matematički fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
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Objavljeni radovi:
1. Vidovi´c, Z. (2018), On MLEs of the modified Weibull distribution based on records, Journal of Applied Statistics 46(4), pp. 715-724. IF(2017): 0.699 2. Vidovi´c, Z. (2016), Limit Distributions of Maximal Random Chord Length, JASP 5(2), pp. 213-220. 3. Vidovi´c, Z. (2019), Moment relations of record values from a Peng-Yan extended Weibull distribution, Matematiˇcki Vesnik 71(1-2), pp. 162-168. 4. Vidovi´c, Z. (2019), Bayesian prediction of order statistics based on k-record values from a Generalized exponential distribution, Stats 2(4), pp. 447-456. 5. Simonovi´c, P., Vidovi´c, Z., Toˇsi´c, A., ˇSkraba, D., Canak-Atlagic, J. and Nikolic, V. (2015), Risks to stocks of native trout of the genus Salmo (Actinopterygii: Salmoniformes: Salmonidae) of Serbia and management for their recovery, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 45(2), 161-173. IF(2015): 0.622 6. Glamuzina, B., Tutman, P., Nikoli´c, V., Vidovi´c, Z., Pavliˇcevi´c, J., Vilizzi, L., Copp, G. H. and Simonovi´c, P. (2017), Comparison of Taxon-Specific and Taxon-Generic Risk Screening Tools to Identify Potentially Invasive Nonnative Fishes in the River Neretva Catchment (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, River Research and Applications 33(5), 670-679. IF(2017): 2.067