Vučetić, Milica
Matematički fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
Datum postavljanja na uvid javnosti:
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Objavljeni radovi:
1. Vučetić, M. M., Ćiprijanović, A., Pavlović, M. Z., Pannuti, T. G., Petrov, N, Goker, U. D., Ercan, E, N., 2015: “Optical Observations of the Nearby Galaxy IC342 with Narrow Band [SII] and Hα Filters. II – Detection of 16 optically-identified supernova remnant candidates”, Serb. Astron. J., 191, 67-74 2. Vučetić, M. M., Arbutina, B., Urošević, D., 2015: “Optical supernova remnants in nearby galaxies and their influence on star formation rates derived from Hα emission”, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 446, 943-958 3. Vučetić, M. M., Arbutina, B., Urošević, D., Dobardžić, A.; Pavlović, M. Z., Pannuti, T. G., Petrov, N, 2013: “Optical Observations of the Nearby Galaxy IC342 with Narrow Band [SII] and Hα Filters. I”, Serb. Astron. J., 187, 11-18 4. Andjelić, M. M., 2011: “Star formation rate in Holmberg IX dwarf galaxy”, 2011, Serb. Astron. J., 183, 71-75