Milovanović Aranđelović, Marina
Matematički fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
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Objavljeni radovi:
M. Milovanovi c-Arandjelovi c, A common xed points theorem for contraction type mappings on Menger spaces, Filomat 11 (1997), 103{108.
M. Milovanovi c-Arandjelovi c, Measures of noncompactness on uniform spaces { the axiomatic approach, Filomat 15 (2001), 221{225.
Lj. Ciri c, J. S. Ume, S. Je si c, M. Milovanovi c-Arandjelovi c, Modi ed Ishikawa iteration pro- cess for nonlinear Lipschitz generalized strongly pseudo-contractive operators in arbitrary Banach spaces. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimization 28, No. 11{12 (2007), 1231{1243.
Lj. Ciri c, S. Je si c, M. Milovanovic1, J. S. Ume, On the steepest descent approximation method for the zeros of generalized accretive operators, Nonlinear Anal., (TMA), Ser. A, Theory Methods 69-2 (2008), 763{769.
Lj. Ciri c, M. Milovanovi c-Arandjelovi c, N. Nikoli c, On random Coincidence for a pair of measurable mappings, Italian journal of pure and applied mathematics, 23 (2008) 37-44.
A. Kumar, S. L. Sing, S. N. Mi sra, M. Milovanovi c - Arandjelovi c, Coincidences and Fixed Points of new Meir-Keeler type contractions and applications, Fixed Point Theory, 15:1 (2014), 117{134.