Objavljeni radovi:
Mirkovic N, Polovic N, Vukotic G, Jovcic B, Miljkovic M, Radulovic Z, Diep DB, Kojic M. Lactococcus lactis LMG2081 produces two bacteriocins: a non-lantibiotic and a novel lantibiotic. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2016 Feb 19. pii: AEM.03988-15. doi: 10.1128/AEM.03988-15
Vukotić G, Mirković N, Jovčić B, Miljković M, Strahinić I, Fira, Đ, Radulović Z, Kojić M. (2015). Proteinase PrtP impairs lactococcin LcnB activity in Lactococcus lactis BGMN1-501: new insights into bacteriocin regulation. Front. Microbiol. 10; 6:92. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00092.
Vukotić G, Strahinić I, Begović J, Lukić J, Kojić M, Fira D. Survey on Proteolytic Activity and Diversity of Proteinase Genes in Mesophilic Lactobacilli. Microbiology, 2016, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 33–41.
Stanisavljević N, Vukotić G, Pastor F, Sužnjević D, Jovanović Ž, Strahinić I, Fira Đ, Radović S. (2015). Antioxidant activity of pea protein hydrolysates produced by batch fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 67(3), 1033-1042, 2015.
Stanković S, Mihajlović S, Draganić V, Dimkić I, Vukotić G, Berić T, Fira Đ. (2012) Screening of the presence of biosynthetic genes for antimicrobial lipopeptides in natural isolates of Bacillus sp., Arch. Biol. Sci., 64(4), 1425-1432 .
Mihajlović S, Draganić V, Dimkić I, Vukotić G, Berić T, Stanković S, Fira Đ. (2011) Distribution of biosynthetic genes for antimicrobial lipopeptides in natural isolates of Bacillus sp., 7th Balkan Congress of Microbiology, Belgrade, Serbia, CD of Abstracts.
Vukotić, G, Strahinić, I, Kojić, M., Begović, J., Fira, Đ., Topisirović, Lj., 2012. Diversity of proteolytic systems in lactobacilli offers possible positive implications on human health, Belgrade International Food Conference, Belgrade, Serbia CD of Abstracts.
Stanisavljević N, Vukotić G, Fira Đ, Jovanović Ž, Miljuš Đukić J, Radović S, Mikić A, Maksimović V. 2013. Application of different Lactobacillus strains in production pea seed protein hydrolysates with antioxidative activity. First Legume Society Conference: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia, Book of abstracts, pp 286.
Strahinic I, Vukotic G, Lozo J, Fira D, Besu I, Matic I, Juranic Z. (2014) Bacterial hydrolysis of cow milk proteins completely abrogates their immunoreactivity in patients with recurrent oral ulcers. International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2014, Hungary, Budapest, June 24td-26th. Proceeding Book p: 156.
Vukotić G, Mirković N, Strahinić I, Fira D, Kojić M. (2014) Interaction of Proteinase PrtP and Bacteriocin LcnB in Lactococcus lactis BGMN1-501. V Congress of The Serbian Genetic Society, Serbia, Kladovo, September 28th- October 2nd. Book of Abstracts, p. 77.
Golić N, Nikolić M, Lukić J, Miljković M, Filipić B, Dinić M, Vukotić G, Kojić M. Molecular mechanisms involved in health promoting potential of lactic acid bacteria. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Serbia, Kladovo, September 28th- October 2nd, 2014. Book of Abstracts, p. 375.
Vukotic G, Mirkovic N, Jovcic B, Strahinic I, Fira D, Radulovic Z, Veljović K, Kojic M. Lactococcal proteinase PrtP enhances antilisteric activity of enterocins from different niches. 9th Balkan Congress Of Microbiology 22-24 October 2015, Thessaloniki. Book of Abstracts, p. 162.