Gnjatović, Nebojša B.
Mašinski fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
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Objavljeni radovi:
Arsić, M., Bošnjak, S., Zrnić, N., Sedmak, A., Gnjatović, N.: Bucket wheel failure caused by residual stresses in welded joints, - Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 700-712, 2011 (IF=1.086) (ISSN 1350-6307).
Bošnjak, S., Savićević, S., Gnjatović, N., Milenović, I., Pantelić, M.: Disaster of the bucket wheel excavator caused by extreme environmental impact: Consequences, rescue and reconstruction, - Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 56, pp. 360-374, 2015 (IF=1.028) (ISSN 1350-6307).
Bošnjak, S., Gnjatović, N., Savićević, S., Pantelić, M., Milenović, I.: Basic parameters of the static stability, loads and strength of the vital parts of the bucket wheel excavator’s slewing superstructure, - Journal of Zhejiang University - SCIENCE A, Article in press, 2015 (IF=0.882) (DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1500037).