Objavljeni radovi:
Nedić O., Robajac D., Šunderić M., Miljuš G., Đukanović B., Malenković V., Detection and identification of oxidized insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins and receptors in patients with colorectal carcinoma. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 65 (2013) 1195-1200 (IF 5,710, Kategorija Biohemija i molekularna biologija, 45/291 u 2013).
Šunderić M., Đukanović B., Malenković V., Nedić O., Molecular forms of the insulinlike growth factor-binding protein-2 in patients with colorectal cancer. Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 96 (2014) 48-53 (IF 2,706 Kategorija Patologija, 22/76 u 2014).
Šunderić M., Mihailović N., Nedić O., Protein molecular forms of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 change with aging. Experimental Gerontology,58 (2014) 154-158 (IF 3,485, Kategorija Gerijatrija i gerontologija, 12/50 u 2014).
Šunderić M., Malenković V., Nedić O., Complexes between insulin-like growth factor binding proteins and alpha-2-macroglobulin in patients with tumor. Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 98 (2015) 173-177 (IF 2,706 Kategorija Patologija, 22/76 u 2014).
Šunderić M., Miljuš G., Nedić O., Interaction of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2 with α2-macroglobulin in the circulation. The Protein Journal, 32(2013) 138-142 (IF 1,039, Kategorija Biohemija i molekularna biologija, 257/291 u 2013).
Šunderić M.,Šedivá A., RobajacD., Miljuš G., GemeinerP., Nedić O., KatrlikJ., Lectinbased protein microarray analysis of differences in serum alpha-2-macroglobulin glycosylation between patients with colorectal cancer and persons without cancer. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry DOI:10.1002/bab.1407 (IF 1,362, Kategorija Biotehnologija i primenjena mikrobiologija, 118/163 u 2014).
Šedivá A., Robajac D., Miljuš G., Šunderić M., Gemeiner P., Nedić O., Katrlik J: Study of glycosylation changes in colorectal cancer using lectin microarray. 13th Bratislava Symposium on saccharides “Recent advances in Glycomics”, Smolenice, Slovakia, 2014. Book of Abstracts, p.127.
Šunderić M., Mihailović N., Nedić O., The relation between ageing process and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP-2). Spetses Summer School-“Biochemical Basis of Healthy Aging”, Spetses, Greece, 2014. Proceedings, p.56.
Katrlik J., Šedivá A., Šunderić M., Robajac D., Miljuš G., Gemeiner P., Nedić O., Determination of glycosylation changes of serum alpha-2-macroglobulin in patients with colorectal cancer by lectin-based microarray. 4th Global Reverse Phase Protein Array Workshop, Paris, France, 2014. Book of Abstracts, p.49.
Šedivá A., Zámorová M., Robajac D., Miljuš G., Šunderić M., Nedić O., Katrlik J., Study of glycosylation changes with lectin-based protein microarray. Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress, Boston, USA, 2015. Book of Abstracts, p.317.
Šunderić M., Molecular forms of IGF binding protein 2 and their presence in various pathophysiological states. Peta konferencija Srpskog Biohemijskog Društva, 2015. Knjiga izvoda, 139-141.
Šunderić M.,Miljuš G., Nedić O: VezivanjeIGFBP-2 zaα2 makroglobulinukrviljudi. 50. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva, Beograd, 2012. Knjiga kratkih izvoda, 102.