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Uticaj režima smanjenog unosa hrane različitog trajanja na ponašanje i mTOR signalni put u kori velikog mozga i hipokampusu mužjaka i ženki Wistar pacova tokom starenja
[1] Prvulovic, M. R., Milanovic, D. J., Vujovic, P. Z., Jovic, M. S., Kanazir, S. D., Todorovic, S. T., & Mladenovic, A. N. (2022). Late-Onset Calorie Restriction Worsens Cognitive Performances and Increases Frailty Level in Female Wistar Rats. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 77(5), 947-955. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glab353 M21 (IF2022= 5,1)
[2] Prvulovic, M., Todorovic, S., Milanovic, D., Jovic, M., Vujovic, P., Kanazir, S., & Mladenovic, A. (2022). Calorie restriction changes the anxiety-like behaviour of ageing male Wistar rats in an onset- and duration-dependent manner. Mech Ageing Dev, 204, 111666. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2022.111666 M21 (IF2022= 5,3)