Objavljeni radovi:
a. Dabetić, M. (2023). Human Factor in Nuclear Security (Case Study: Y-12, United States). 11th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Infrastructure: Business and Communications, Sofia, April 25.
a. Ćurčić, M., Dragišić, Z. & Dabetić, M. (2024). Matrix Adaptation for Modern Challenges: Nuechterlien’s Role in National Interest Research. National security and the future. 25 (1). 93-106.
b. Veljković S., Ćurčić M. & Dabetić, M. (2024). Pravo na privatnost i posebne mere tajnog prikupljanja podataka u Republici Srbiji. Oditor. 3. U štampi.
Dabetić, M. & Miladinović Bogavac, Ž. (2022). Application of theory of planned behavior in the test of citizens' preparedness for natural disasters caused by earthquakes. International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy. Belgrade, Serbia. April 19-21 4.
Veljković S., Ćurčić M. & Dabetić M. Ecological Security as a Cornerstone of Serbia’s National Interest. DISC2024 4th International Student Conference 05th – 06th December 2024
Dabetić M., Ćurčić M. & Veljković S. Sustainable Development Through Nuclear Energy: Serbia’s Path Beyond the Moratorium. DISC2024 4th International Student Conference 05th – 06th December 2024.
Dabetić, M., Savić, B., Brdarić, T. (2021). Sustainability, Nuclear Industry and Climate change. The 1st DIFENEW International Student Conference. December 16. Novi Sad
a. Ivković, R., Dabetić, M. & Marković, А., & Stanković, М. (2024). Application of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act Adopted in August 2024 to Software Products Legal Implications and Update Obligations, CESGED. Fourth International Scientific Conference, Septembar 2024, Novi Sad, pp. 225-238.
b. Ćurčić, M., Ljušić, M., & Dabetić, M. (2024). The Economics Factors of The Serbian Military Neutrality. International Multidisciplinary Conference "Challenges of Contemporary Higher Education" - CCHE 20224, February (pp. 628-634), Kopaonik, Serbia.
c. Dabetić, M. (2022). Prevention and response in the case of CBRN incidents. International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy. Belgrade, Serbia. April 19-21.
d. Vasilkov Z., Miladinovic Bogavac Ž., Dabetić M. (2023). Rule of Law or Rule of Policy: View from the EU and from the Republic of Serbia. International Scientific Conference Tikvesh days of law - 2023 Rule of Law or Rule of Politics: Current Issues in Legislation and Judical Practice, Negotino, October 27-29.
e. Savić, B., Vasić Anićijević, D., Aćimović, D., Dabetić, M., Ječmenica Dučić, M. Maksin, D., Brdarić, T. (2021). Electrochemical Degradation of Phenols on PbO2/Graphene Nanoribbons Electrodes – a Combined Experimental and DFT Approach. 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. Novi Sad, November, December 3.
a. Дабетић, М., & Јањић, В. (2023). Нуклеарна безбедност и нуклеарна сигурност: Појмовно одређење, правни аспекти и холистички приступ концептима. Војно дело, 75(4), 34-45.
b. Дабетић, М., & Николић, Д. (2021). Енергетска политика у међународним односима, са посебним освртом на питања енергетске безбедности Европске уније. Безбедност. 64(1), 124-156.
a. Dabetić. M., Miladinović Bogavac, Ž. (2021). Sustainable Development Goal 13 In International Law. MB University International Review – MBUIR Journal of Theory and Practice 2 (1), 82-89.
b. Dabetić, M., Miladinović Bogavac Ž., & Ćurčić, M. (2025). The Role of INTERPOL in Combating CBRN Terrorism. MB University International Review Journal of Theory and Practice. In press.