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Populaciono-specifični markeri koji definišu reljef haplogrupe I kod Srba sa teritorije Balkana
Doktorand:Mihajlović Srejić, Milica Lj.
Fakultet: Biološki fakultet
Napomena: Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
Datum postavljanja na uvid javnosti: 13-12-2024
Datum odbrane: 11-02-2025
Objavljeni radovi:
[1] Mihajlovic M, Tanasic V, Markovic MK, Kecmanovic M, Keckarevic D. Distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in Serbian population groups originating from historically and geographically significant distinct parts of the Balkan Peninsula. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2022 Aug 17;61:102767. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2022.102767. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36037736. (M21a, IF2021=4.978, Genetics & Heredity)
[2] Srejic MM, Tanasic V, Markovic MK, Kecmanovic M, Keckarevic D. Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I-P37.2 in Serbian population groups originating from distinct parts of the Balkan Peninsula. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2025;74:103152. doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2024.103152 (M21a, IF2021=4.978, Genetics & Heredity )