Objavljeni radovi:
Perendija, J., Veličković, Z., Cvijetić, I., Rusmirović, J., Ugrinović, V., Marinković, A., Onjia, A.: Batch and column adsorption of cations, oxyanions and dyes on a magnetite modified cellulose-based membrane, Cellulose, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 8215–8235, 2020 (IF=4.210) (ISSN:1572-882X) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-020-03352-x
Perendija, J., Veličković, Z., Cvijetić, I., Lević, S., Marinković, A., Milošević, M., Onjia, A.: Bio-membrane based on Modified Cellulose, Lignin, and Tannic acid for cation and oxyanion removal: experimental and theoretical study, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol. 147, pp.609-625, 2021 (IF=4.966) (ISSN: 0957-5820) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.12.027
Perendija, J., Marinković, A., Popović, M., Milošević, D., Ljubić, V., Milošević, M., Vasiljević, Lj.: "Bio-renewable membranes based on modified cellulose, lignin, and tannic acid for difenoconazole and thiophanate-methyl removal”, 7th International congress, Engineering, environment and materials in process industry EEM2021, 17-19 March, Jahorina, Republic of Srpska, BiH, 2021., p. 69. (ISBN 978-99955-81-38-1).
Perendija, Ј., Rusmirović, Ј., Đolić, М., Karanac, М., Milošević, М., Vidović, М., Marinković, А.: "Adsorpcione karakteristike Fe3O4 funkcionalizovanih membrana na bazi celuloze/diatomita za uklanjanje Pb2+ jona iz vodenih rastvora”, Procesna tehnika, 30 (2), str. 14- 16, 2018. (ISSN 2217-2319).
Perendija, J., Milošević, D., Bugarčić, M., Marinković, A.: "Removal of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using cellulose-magnetite membrane CelMag- M”, 7th Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia, 2nd November, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019., p. 146. (ISBN 978-86-7132-076-4).