Stanković, Branislav S.
Hemijski fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
Datum postavljanja na uvid javnosti:
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Objavljeni radovi:
1. B. Stanković, B. Ostojić, A. Popović, M. Gruden, D. Đorđević, “Teoretical study of nitrоdibenzofurans: A possible relationship between molecular properties and mutagenic activity”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 318 (2016) 623-630.
2. B. Ostojić, B. Stanković, D. Đorđević, “Theoretical study of the molecular properties of dimethylantracenes as properties for the prediction of theirs biodegradation and mutagenicity”, Chemosphere, 111 (2014) 144-150.
3. B. Ostojić, B. Stanković, D. Đorđević, “The molecular properties of nitrobenzanthrone isomers and their mutagenic activities”, Chemosphere, 104 (2014) 228-236.
4. B. Stanković, B. Ostojić, A. Popović, M. Gruden, D. Đorđević, “Substituted naphthalenes: Stability, conformational flexibility and description of bonding based on ETS-NOCV method”, Chemical Physics Letters 661 (2016) 136–142.
5. B. Ostojić, B. Stanković, D. Đorđević, “Aromaticity and conformational deformability of some environmental pollutants - methylated anthracenes”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23 (2014) 3036-3040.