Objavljeni radovi:
Vujičić M, Sabovljević A, Milošević S, Segarra-Moragues JG, Sabovljević M. 2015. Effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on development of selected bryophyte species. Plant Biosystems, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2014.1000423.
Sabovljević M, Papp B, Sabovljević A, Vujičić M, Szurdoki E, Segarra-Moragues J.G. 2012. In vitro micropropagation of rare and endangered moss Entosthodon hungaricus (Funariaceae). Bioscience Journal 28(4): 632-640.
Vujičić M, Milošević S, Sabovljević A, Sabovljević M. 2009. Abscisic acid effects activities of catalases and peroxydases in bryophytes Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Marchantia polymorpha L. and Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. in in vitro conditions. Moss 2009 (Washington University in St.Louis), St.Luis, October 22-25. Book of Abstracts: p. 50.
Vujičić M, Papp B, Sabovljević A, Szurdoki E, Sabovljević M. 2012. In vitro establishment, propagation and conservation of the rare and endangered moss halophyte Hennediella heimii. 8th Conference of European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes: Bryophyte conservation – follow up on the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Budapest, Hungary, April 18-21. Book of Abstracts p. 36.
Petrović N, Petrović B, Vujičić M, Šinžar-Sekulić J, Sabovljević M, Sabovljević A. 2013. Influence of plant growth regulators on the morphogenesis of the rare and endangered moss Entostodon hungaricus. 1st International Conference on Plant Biology - 20th Symposium of the Serbian Plant Physiology Society, June 4-7, Subotica, Programme and Abstracts, p. 30.
Vujičić M, Milošević S, Papp B, Szurdoki E, Sabovljević M, Sabovljević A. 2013. Does antioxydative system increase salt stress survival in facultative halophytic moss Entosthodon hungaricus? 4th Croatian Botanical Symposium with internacional participation, September 27-29, 2013, Split, Book of apstracts, p. 148
Sabovljević M, Vujičić M, Papp B, Petrović N, Petrović B, Szurdoki E, Sabovljević A. 2013. Insights into biology of the moss Entosthodon hungaricus. A konferenciat Pocs Tamas professzor urnak ajaljuk, 80 szuletesnapja alkalmabol. Eger, Hungary, 30.09.-01.10. 2013. Book of Abstracts: p. 28.
Vujičić M, Sabovljević M, Milošević S, Nikolić N, Sabovljević A. 2014. Effects of NaCl on proline and free amino acid concentration in bryophytes Entosthodon hungaricus and Physcomitrella patens in vitro. Third Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 30.05.-01.06.2014. Book of Abstracts: p. 73.