Objavljeni radovi:
Čabarkapa, A., Živković, L., Borozan, S., Zlatković-Švenda, M., Dekanski, D., Jančić, I., Radak-Perović, M., Bajić, V. and Spremo-Potparević, B. (2016) Dry Olive Leaf Extract in Combination with Methotrexate Reduces Cell Damage in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients—A Pilot Study. Phytother. Res., doi: 10.1002/ptr.5662. M22
Cabarkapa, A., Zivković, L., Zukovec, D., Djelić, N., Bajić, V., Dekanski, D., Spremo-Potparević, B. (2014) Protective effect of dry olive leaf extract in adrenaline induced DNA damage evaluated using in vitro comet assay with human peripheral leukocytes. Toxicol. In Vitro 28: 451-456.
Čabarkapa, А., Živković, L., Bajić, V., Dekanski, D., Spremo-Potparević, B. Effects of dry olive leaf extract against H2O2 induced toxicity in human lymphocytes. Third International Congress on Pharmacology of Natural Products, Cuban Society of Pharmacology, June 6-10, 2012, Topes de Collantes, Santi Spiritus, Cuba. Revista Cubana de Farmacia vol.46 (Suplemento Especial No2.), pp 74.
Bajić, V., Spremo-Potparević, B., Čabarkapa, A., Bogdanović, N., Đelić, N., Dekanski, D., Živković, L. Protective potential of olive leaf extract against adrenaline induced oxidative stress in human lymphocytes. VII Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 27-30, 2012, Subotica, Serbia. Book of abstracts, Poster section 2/20.
Žukovec, D., Čabarkapa, A.,. Živković, L, Djelić, N., Dekanski, D., Bajić, V., Spremo-Potparević, B. Protective Potential of Dry Olive Leaf Extract Against Oxidative Stress in Human Lymphocytes Induced by Thyroxin. World Forum for Nutrition Research Conference; Mediterranean Foods on Health and Disease, May 20–21, 2013, Reus, Spain. Annals of Nutrition& Metabolism 2013; 62(suppl 2), pp 51, doi: 10.1159/000351281.
Cabarkapa, A., Zivkovic, L., Zlatkovic-Svenda, M., Topalovic-Zukovec, D., Bajic, V., Dekanski, D., Borozan, S., Spremo-Potparevic, B. Dry olive leaf extract supplementation reduces DNA damage in chronic rheumatoid arthritis patients. Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC), September 21-23, 2014, Cologne, Germany. Book of Abstracts, pp19.
Cabarkapa, A., Zivkovic, L., Jancic, I., Borozan, S., Zlatkovic-Svenda, M., Dekanski, D., Arsenovic-Ranin, N., Spremo-Potparevic, B. Beneficial effects of combined therapy with Dry olive leaf extract (DOLE) and methotrexate in early rheumatoid arthritis patients. The 7th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH) , October 27-30, 2015, Tours, France. Book of abstracts, pp 246.