Cvijanović, Gorčin D.
Biološki fakultet
Rok za dostavljanje primedbi na doktorsku disertaciju je istekao.
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Objavljeni radovi:
1. Cvijanović G., Adnađević T., Lenhardt M., Marić S. (2015). New data on sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) genetic diversity in the Middle and Lower Danube sections, based on mitochondrial DNA analyses. GENETIKA 47(3), 1051-1062.
2. Cvijanović G., Adnađević T., Jarić I., Lenhardt M., Marić S. (2016). Genetic analysis of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) populations in the Middle and Lower Danube sections. North-Western Journal of Zoology (online first): art. 151403.
1. Cvijanović G., Adnađević T., Bugarski-Stanojević V., Lenhardt M. (2009). Optimization and standardization of primers for sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and beluga (Huso huso) microsatellite loci. IV Congress of the Serbian genetic society, Abstract. Tara, Serbia, Jun 1-5, 23.
2. Cvijanović G., Adnađević T., Jarić I., Lenhardt M. (2012). Use of genetics in monitoring and management of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) in the Lower and Middle Danube River – lack of funding or lack of cooperation? In: Utilization of Genetic Approaches for Effective Conservation of Endangered Species. ConGRESS Regional Workshop, Debrecen, Hungary, March 14-16, 2012, p. 18.
3. Cvijanović G., Adnađević T., Jarić I., Jojić V., Marić S., Lenhardt M. (2016). Danube sterlet morphometrics and genetic – guidelines for restocking programs. In: FITFISH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Belgrade, Serbia, April 22, 2016, p. 50.